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It remains a choice. My husband’s mother had schizophrenia, his “father”

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Thu, 20-Feb-2025 8:06:42 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: His dad entirely bounced. posted by Dreamylyfe
Left her for someone else. He was cold and distant. He didn’t provide them financial assistance and he lived in public housing.

We call him the sperm donor.

He has been loving and kind to LW. Always encouraging

Is he perfect? No.

He was also emotionally abused by his first wife, who deliberately estranged him from his 2 older sons. It was the 70s, his lawyer took her side, and he had little money to fight it. It was bad.

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