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It's the....

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Thu, 20-Feb-2025 10:05:31 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 📺📺Week of Feb 17th, TV Post posted by Leia
In reply to: OK... posted by Wahoo
That WAS freakin' hilarious! I would've led with that story instead of the one with the woman getting him to sign her arm and then having a tattoo artist make it permanent. I've heard of plenty of fans who do that...but who thinks to ask a favorite actor to drink a raw egg with them? I loved how Robert didn't even question it though, he just did it. And then he compared it to an oyster, except without the briny goodness (we can agree to disagree on that...I'm not a fan of either slimy foods or super salty foods). I'm a little surprised Tom has never eaten a raw egg. He looks like he could be a gym bro, and I've heard of bodybuilders drinking raw eggs...though not lately? Maybe that's a trend that's rightfully died?

It's the very casual, matter of fact way he says "And a Power Ranger filmed it" that gets me. Like, sure, that's just a normal day. LOL!

I was also surprised Tom has never had a raw egg because I also thought that was a popular thing among the gym guy types. Maybe that was just a trend that went away because now you wear warnings about not eating cookie dough because it has raw eggs that can make you sick.

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