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Sometimes it feels like my time with Leo was a lifetime ago. Sometimes

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 20-Feb-2025 11:56:02 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: i can't believe it's been a year! :' ( posted by chloe
it feels like it was yesterday. Sometimes I think about the good times, about how Leo loved Reddi Wip (extra creamy) and Spam and how he demanded a polite sniff of everything, even if it wasn't food. How he hated having anything on his head but graciously and elegantly tolerated the bow ties and scarves I bought him. How he hated being under a blanket and never really tried to climb but loved the back of the couch and the seat of the recliner. How I would get up in the morning and find him dozing in Dad's lap but as soon as I settled into my chair, he'd come over to have a short nap in my lap. How I accidentally created a monster when I started letting him out, first on a harness, then au natural when he decided he hated the harness, but with the exception of a few reasonably short times, he never wandered out of eyesight. How Dad eventually fenced off the porch for Leo so he could stay outside for hours (it was amazing how few people could figure out the simple latch on the makeshift gate and let themselves in). How I then started being awakened at roughly 5:00 AM by Leo meowing loudly to go outside. How Leo hated the neighbor's free range cat Juice, who was at least 10 years his junior and would run poor Juice off the property. How Leo didn't care for toys but was fascinated by the reflection of sunlight off a shiny book cover and could be persuaded to give chase, for a while, when I brought out the laser toy.

And sometimes I get stuck thinking about Leo's last 24 hour hours on Earth and wishing I'd had him put to sleep at the vet appointment he'd had a few days earlier.

but we are planning on trying 'foster to forever' set ups. My aunt does this. The dogs go to her house sometimes just for a week when they are being transported to new homes, and sometimes they stay until they've found a home. She hasn't had ANY foster-fails thus far, but her favorite went to my OTHER uncle and aunt, so keeping it in the family so to speak. LOL

That's wonderful, and the next best thing to a foster fail!

I want to foster kittens who are going to put up for adoption, but hubby doesn't think I'll actually let any of the kittens be adopted. aaaaand he might not be wrong. not at all.

Yeah...I wonder about that for myself. A friend from college fosters kitties in upstate New York. So far, she's been able to part with them, but there were a few she wanted to keep forever.

but for pet-lovers like us, it's so hard to think about not having one in the house. We've had a pet free home for about a year and it was just terrible. We couldn't wait to get furry beasts back in our lives.

I went about 25 years between pets. The previous cat, Peppermint, was with us from somewhere around the time I was in early junior high school to a few years after I graduated from college, and I think because Peppermint was pretty much the perfect cat (calm, social, very loving), we were just never in a rush to get another animal.

You know, I don't recall anyone setting us up for these kind of aging heartbreaks.


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