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My poor bff is now working with her very own lying liar that lies

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 21-Feb-2025 8:51:39 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
Bff is still loving her part-time job at a doggy day care (though she acknowledges she needs to find something else part time to supplement her income). She of course adores the pups, and she really likes the boss and most of her co-workers. Then there's "L"...L is there to kill some time and play with the dogs. She complains constantly about her health issues and disappears to the bathroom at least once an hour, often being gone for at least 20 minutes. About 30 minutes before her shift ends, she disappears altogether, reappearing just long enough to clock out.

Bff expressed concern one day about L's frequent bathroom breaks; L told her she couldn't help it as she has a "pacemaker in her bladder". Now apparently there is such a device-its actual name is a sacral neuromodulation--but its purpose is to reduce the amount of time spent in the bathroom, not increase it. L has also told bff she drinks Diet Coke because she's "allergic to water". Again, people CAN be allergic to water but it's literally the rarest allergy in the world, and people who have it CAN drink water (water, incidentally, is the first ingredient listed in Diet Coke). A water allergy mostly affects the skin, causing hives when a person comes into contact with water, though very, VERY occasionally, it can cause severe breathing issues when water meets skin. But a person with a true allergy will only feel a mild tingling on the lips and tongue when drinking water. (ETA--and if you did have a water allergy, would you want to be working a job that involves filling multiple water bowls and frequently washing your hands after handling animals?)

That's not even the worst lie though. The boss confronted L about her frequent disappearances and her answer was "<bff's name> disappears all the time!". Boss looked at L and coolly told her that was horse 💩. First of all, Boss has actually worked with bff a number of times and knows she's ALWAYS with the dogs (unless she's in the bathroom, which isn't very often and is only for a few minutes at a time). Second, and more importantly, there's cameras all throughout the day care and Boss watches the feed (don't know if she's watching live or watches later). Bff is almost always on camera; L is not.

Nobody wants to work with L, so bff is hopeful her boss will FINALLY dismiss L and either give bff more hours or hire someone else.

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