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It continues...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Sat, 22-Feb-2025 3:44:56 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: It's a start - GFCI outlet installed... posted by Justathot
The landscaper and one of his other guys came to the house this afternoon to discuss the roof, the plumbing, the trimming of the siding...and things changed.

The guy with the landscaper said he'd check his calendar and see if he could trim the siding sooner.

The talk and measuring changed the plan. They're going to cover both patio areas. I hadn't wanted that because I thought (My mother always said, "When you 'thought' you're wrong.") that the cover for the patio would have to be removed if/when we decided to add a laundry room to the side, as we'd initially planned. Nope. The space would be framed and the windows moved out to be on the sides with the door also moved to the new wall added later. The cover would stay. I like that idea more than I liked the odd angle for the roof for the back patio (only covering about 34 feet of it, leaving the corner space blank and possibly needing to add another cement pillar later when we add the new room. They're going to ask someone from the Planning and Zoning Department at the City to come to the house and look at the spaced to determine what the requirements would be to pass inspection with the new roof and future new room. (Ahead of the game and not with the other contractors.)

They showed up around 1:15 (I'd missed his text because I'd been half listening to a book and half sleeping on the couch) so I thought I'd locked the dogs inside before going to open the gate. (See the note above on "thought.") As we were talking, the little dog walked across the new room and came outside to join us. I think she'd been in my daughter's room when I'd closed to dog door in the she went out the dog door in my daughter's door and came out the dog door in the new room into the backyard. She entertained herself with the visitors while I calmly sauntered over to the gate to close it so she wouldn't escape. A bit of an unexpected adventure.

Hopefully the trimming will be done in the next week or so. Monday the HVAC guys will be here looking at the heat pumps and possibly attaching some kind of face plate on them or telling me where the already existing face plates are. Once we get the trim done, we'll be ready for the inspection...if the contractor brings the plans.

Closer and closer to occupancy!!!! Wish us luck.

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