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It's that time of year...who here does their own taxes? And if you do, what

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 26-Mar-2025 7:50:06 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~Week of March 24 Potpourri Post~*~~ posted by Wahoo
is your preferred software?

I've always done my own taxes, first on paper, then online. For years, I could get away with the 1040EZ form because I didn't make that much $$$ and didn't have any complications, then we switched to an HSA at work and I had to move up to the 1040 form <grrr>. I still have that HSA but rarely use it; I don't put money into it but I can pay for my BP medication with it. Once paper filing fell from favor, I switched to TaxAct and was generally happy with it. For a couple years, it was free to file both federal and state returns...then it was free to file federal but state cost $20...then it was $29 or so to file each return. And then last year, they totally screwed me over by letting me get all the way through filling out the forms and THEN telling me it'd be $150 or so to file*.

* yes, I could've backed out and started over with another software but I absolutely dread doing my taxes and had already spent about 30 minutes inputting numbers, and since I was still getting a refund, I said "eff it" and filed with TaxAct anyways, paying the unexpected fee.

Adding to that, I got a notice last year that I was now part of a class act lawsuit against TaxAct who'd been found guilty of sharing personal data with third parties without informing users they were doing so. Initially the payout (which is less than $20) was supposed to happen around November, then it changed to the case would be settled in December and payouts would start in "early" 2025. And...that was the last I've seen or heard of that. Still waiting for me (less than) $20.

Anyways, now that I'm mad at TaxAct, I'm looking for a new free, or nearly free tax preparer online. Dad likes EzTax Return. I've heard good things about Free Tax USA and am considering them as well. But I'm open to suggestions.

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