The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message Crybaby on 01-Jul-2002 5:16 PM [#53]:

Carly picks up Micheal and heads to the airport

''Come on sweetie, we're going on vacation,'' Carly said, kissing Michael and hugging him.

''Is Leticia coming with us?''

''No, baby.''

''Oh...well, when are we coming home?''

''I don't know...we're not coming back honey.''

''Did something happen to Uncle Sonny?''

Carly paused before answering. ''Yes. He's become a bad man. He killed some people.''

''That's not true! It's not true! You're lying, mommy!''

Carly tried to make Michael be quiet. However, his cries enabled someone to find them.


Carly jumped up in shock. She turned and found Jason staring at her.
What happens next?
''You can't leave with Michael.''
''Zander was no good for you. Sonny is a good man. He didn't mean to hurt you.''

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