The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message forbiddendreams_diva on 21-May-2002 5:28 AM [#50]:

Sonny tells Zander he ordered the hit

''Yes Sonny?'' he questioned expectantly, his tone filled with an emotion of both fear and courage.

''I, hmmm.. I don't know how to say this.''

''Just say it already!'' she groaned with frustration, tired of the mind games.

''I don't think there's really any easy way..''

''Please..'' his tone was distant and cool. ''Just, tell me.''

His features were emotionless, as always, and he didn't know any other way to tell him but the simplest way. ''I was the one who ordered the hit.'' he answered coldly.
What happens next?
Zander promises that Sonny will pay
Zander forgives Sonny

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