GH Reborn

Written by Send Private Message antelope on 09-May-2008 2:53 AM [#10]:

Jason decides to see what Devlin is up to

''Alright, Spinelli,'' Jason said. ''I'm going to need your help on this one. I'm going to go to the hospital to be with Emily. I want you to find out everything you can about Ian Devlin.''

''The Jackal is at your service, Stone Cold. I will endeavor to unearth any and all secrets concealed by your fair sister's betrothed.''

''Thanks,'' Jason said.

He closed his cell phone and shook his head. He hoped Spinelli could find out what Devlin was up to.

Jason went to the closet and pulled on his leather jacket. He needed to get to the hospital to see his sister. He needed some time alone with her to make sure Devlin was not causing her any harm.

He opened the door to his penthouse and found
What happens next?
Carly waiting for him.
Lulu waiting for him.

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