The Truth About Spinelli (inspired by Marty)

Written by Send Private Message antelope on 05-May-2008 7:11 AM [#4]:


''The former DA of Darkness, Mr. Corinthos Sir's erstwhile sibling.''

''English, Spinelli! English!''

''Um, Maximista, it appears that my father is Ric Lansing.''

Maxie took one look at Spinelli's ashen face and sat next to him on the couch. She threw an arm around his shoulder, hoping to comfort him.

''Spinelli, what are you going to do?''

''I don't know. I need some time to think. Alone.''

''Are you sure, Spinelli? I could stay, if you want...bring you chips and orange soda.''

''No thank you, Maximista. The Jackal requires solitude.''

Maxie nodded and left Spinelli on the couch.
What happens next?
Maxie goes to Ric's to search for clues.
Spinelli confides in Jason.

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