The Match From Hell (Submitted by Marty)

Written by Send Private Message Marty on 09-May-2008 4:30 PM [#4]:

Spinelli is nearly catatonic with shock. He goes to Jason to explain.

''Stonecold, I am aghast. I find myself in the most severe state of shock. My eyes burn with horror while my digestive juices threaten to erupt in revulsion of the most appalling degree.''

Jason pauses, blinks and asks, ''Say what?''

''I cannot begin to describe the truly nightmarish scene into which I stumbled only a few seconds ago, yet it seems like eons.''

''Just cut to the chase, Spinelli.''

''The Blonde One at whose altar I had worshipped earlier...was engaging in the most intimate oral contact with Mr. Corinthos, Sir.''

''Lulu was...?'' Jason gasped. ''Describe intimate.''

''The lips of The Blonde one were being besmirched by the lips of Mr. Corinthos, Sir. It was intense osculation.''

''Sonny forced Lulu to kiss him?''

''No, StoneCold, The Blonde One Was....osculating Mr. Corinthos, Sir.''
What happens next?
Jason heads back to Sonny's to demand an explanation.
Maxie has overheard Spinelli and is curious.

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