One Life to Live Update for Tuesday, 18-Feb-2003

Author: smculwell24
Posting date: Tue, 18-Feb-2003 12:10:28 PM PST

Coming out of unconsciousness, Christian names Todd as his shooter. Bo takes Todd in for questioning, and sets up a perimeter to find Natalie and Mitch.

Mitch dyes Natalie's hair blonde and calls the mysterious nurse to prepare for surgery.

At the hospital, Christian quickly recovers and talks Jen into distracting Antonio and Jessica so he can leave.

Jen admitts to Antonio that she lied about Mitch not doing anything to harm her, because he went to her hospital room and threatened her.

While confronting Todd at the police station, Vicki notices the "L" scarf on Bo's desk. She tells Todd that their father used to wear one just like that.

Mitch takes a drugged Natalie to see the old man in the wheel chair- " Victor Lord, meet your granddaughter....Jessica ".

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