One Life to Live Update for Tuesday, 11-Mar-2003

Author: justrodrick
Posting date: Wed, 12-Mar-2003 9:53:42 AM PST

Some one should knock RJ on his behind. The show started with RJ continuing to verbally attack Antonio saying how it was his fault that Keri, Liz, and the baby are dead. Antonio is devastated and tries to hit RJ but Hank stops him(Why, Why, Why,???). RJ lets it slip that he has lost his daughter and his "granddaughter" but nobody picks up on this slip of the tongue. Natalie and Chris prepare to move in to Antonio's apartment and live happily ever after, while Jen was at Rodi's flirting with Rex. (Now that's going to be an ugly couple). Todd confronts Blair and Sam at Blair's house. Todd let's Blair know that she can not keep him from his kids(Does Blair realize that every time she tries to keep Todd away from his kids, he does something crazy. I say let the man see his kids! She doesn't have to be with him but let him be involved his kids life. What man wouldn't go crazy when he is being kept from his kids). Todd also threatens Sam and let's him know not to get in his way. While all this is going on Mitch is still at Lindsay's gallery convincing her that all of her man problems aren't her fault. He gives her Todd's gun and convinces her that killing Troy will end her suffering and that everybody will think Todd did it. They are interrupted by Jen, Mitch leaves and Jen questions Lindsay about the gun. Lindsay goes to Troy(who is on his way out the door to me Blair) and tries to get him to say that he wants her. Troy brushes her off which pushes Lindsay over the edge and she goes back to the gallery to get the gun. Jen rushes to Sam and tells him that she is worried about her mom, about the gun and about Lindsay seeing Blair and Troy at Rodi's. Mitch calls Todd and ask him to meet at Victor Lord's grave to come some kind of bargain. Todd agrees to meet Mitch along, which will leave Todd with no alibi. Mitch called someone in California to inform them of his progress. It seems as if Mitch has a partner. Who could it be?

Today's Lesson: Don't try to keep a crazy man from his kids. He might just do something crazy!!!

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