One Life to Live Update for Friday, 14-Mar-2003

Author: aly2662
Posting date: Fri, 14-Mar-2003 8:16:40 PM PST

Vicki calls a family meeting to discuss their defense against Mitch taking the family fortune. Natalie shows up, claims she slept with Mitch, and that is how they can get their fortune back (through her divorcing Mitch and getting a settlement). Vicki rejects Natalies offer and Natalie leaves very angry.
Jessica then offers to get close to Mitch to see if that will help matters and again Vicki rejects that plan. (she says they must do exactly as Bo and Nora say).
Mitch taunts Todd with information of how he framed him for Sam's murder. Mitch's thugs tie Todd up and put him in the coffin with Mitch.
Dr. Troy shows up at Lindsays, per Jen's request, and Lindsay can not believe it is actually Troy.
Blair sees the gun, Todd's ring and gloves and starts to hide the gun. She later leaves her house, and Troy arrives and finds Sam's body.
Blair returns and the police arrive on the scene.
Antonio is almost out of control in his questioning, and Bo has to calm him down several times.
Lindsay is found on the scene by Bo and starts mumbling something about "it being Sam".

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