One Life to Live Update for Thursday, 19-Jun-2003

Author: TGD
Posting date: Thu, 19-Jun-2003 1:44:50 PM PST

Well the first 15 minutes of OLTL were interrupted, but I will edit my recap again later tonight when I watch the full episode on Soap Net.

Jen wants Joey to marry her & Rex, and Joey explains that she deserves better than Rex, and that he is just using her for her money. Jen tells him that she wants someone who isn't afraid to admit that he cares for her then she leaves. Natalie walks in just as Rex & Jen are leaving, and she wants to know where Rex was going With Jen, Joey then tells Natalie that Jen asked Joey to marry her & Rex. Natalie is upset that Rex would want to marry someone like Jen. Joey and Jen get in a brief discussion on both Rex & Jen bad points, and they both discover that neither is perfect, and drop the subject.

Nigel comes to the mansion to gather the rest of his things, and discovers that Asa has hired a new butler named Wesley. Renee continous to rub the wedding in Asa's face, and Renee and Nigel leave. As they are leaving Max is coming to talk to Asa about buying Foxy Roxy. Once Nigel finds out the he has been replaced, he has started to have doubts about the entire plan, and tells Renee, that the plan has gone too far, she convinces him to go along with the plan, and the head off to Foxy Roxy's.

Antonio gets to see his daughter today for the first time, and just as he was having one of those father daughter intimate moments, RJ comes over, and demands that Antonio put his granddaughter down, they get in a brief argument, and Keri comes over and says that they will not be fighting around Jamie, she grabs her daughter and storms out.

Jessica begs Brian to take another Rose to Antonio, afraid for his life; he refused at first, but then eventually gave in and agreed. Jess then discovers a loose bar in the window, and tries to work it loose.

Nora is surprised that Hank is still, mad at RJ, (and who blames Him) but Nora insisted on sticking up for RJ. Hank then bit her head off, and said that he didn't need any advice especially from her, and walked off. Hank then came back later and apologized, and took her to The Palace.

Now by this time everyone is at The Palace, Blair runs into Troy, and he still was concerned about her, and he expressed that she shouldn't be hiding Walker in her house, she told him that Walker was her friend, and that he saved her life, and that she cares for Walker. Troy then asks again if there's a chance for them as a couple, she tries to explain that she is not ready for a relationship, and if he can't accept that then maybe they shouldn't see each other anymore, Blair then leaves... Troy then orders another drink from the bar, and a woman comes and sits down beside him... Then they show Rex & Jen spying on poor Troy, and you discover that Jen blames him for her fathers death, and the fact that Lindsay isn't sane anymore, she is taping while he is sharing a drink with the women, and after the women leaves, Jen then approaches him, and she starts to flirt with him, while Rex is filming them. Troy becomes uneasy and then he leaves.

This is all for now I will update again tonight.

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