One Life to Live Update for Monday, 28-Jul-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Mon, 28-Jul-2003 3:02:17 PM PST

Joey and Bo Buchanan rescue Jen and Lindsay from the institution where Troy has taken them. Right away, Nora pieces together what must have happened and apologizes to Lindsay for accusing her of lying and/or being a "suspect" in the Mitch Laurence murder. And she realizes that the reason why Lindsay failed her evaluation at St. Ann's could be due to Troy giving her medication that made her flip out.

Blair has allowed Kevin Buchanan to take her on a jet. Dorian disapproves. Walker is probably jealous. But it's some type of "scheme" he's got going on with Asa.

Jessica finally reveals to her mother that she killed Mitch Laurence by striking him with a pipe. Vicki, like all others, knows that somebody else was involved because Jessica would never poison Mitch. So Jessica reveals that it was Walker. Vicki goes to confront Walker, not trusting him, believing he only wants to save his own skin. But he reveals to her that he's also protecting Jessica, his brother deserved to die, Jessica is his niece and he does care about her.

Troy is still up to no good. He's kid-napped Gabrielle. Bo and Nora know that something has gone wrong. And Troy has a nurse call Nora and tell her that her son has been in an accident.

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