One Life to Live Update for Tuesday, 5-Aug-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Tue, 05-Aug-2003 3:46:35 PM PST

Bo is surprised to see both Nora and Gabrielle up and about. They both tell him they want to get on with their lives. Gabrielle confesses, to Bo, for the first time, why it was her idea to attempt to "get the goods" from Troy McIver, in the first place. She admits that she was foolish and careless and there's no reason to blame Nora, as it was solely Gabrielle's decision. Bo does not have a problem with that.

Joey discovers that pictures have been taken of his "indiscretion" with Jen Rappaport. Reverend Carpenter has no choice but to terminate Joey from the Ministry. Jen appears, to protest to Rev. Carpenter that she cannot let Joey lose his position. She tells him that she knows that it was Rex's doing, because he's a spiteful jerk. Reverend Carpenter informs them both that it makes no difference who had the pictures taken, nor why they did it. Joey is wrong, to be getting it on with somebody who was FIRST a "community service client" who he must supervise, and SECONDLY, who is now married. And Jen needs to stay away from Joey until she's officially divorced.

Kevin Buchanan is determined to find a "price" for Rex to grant Jen the divorce and to stop harrassing Kevin's brother, Joey. He asks Rex if he'll stop his spiteful harassment of them, if Kevin can somehow manage to give Rex ownership of Ultraviolet. Right away, Rex can see how unrealistic that is. There' no way R.J. Gannon and/or Evangeline Williamson will ever sell. But Kevin knows there must be a way. So he offers Evangeline a check, worth far more than she and R.J invested in the club. Right away, Evangeline questions it. But Kevin tells her she has only a MINUTE to take it or leave and counts from 59-DOWN.

Later, he presents the check to Rex. Jen, very angry and ready to kill Rex for what he's done to Joey, goes to confront him. But she find out that suddenly, for some reason, he no longer wants to fight or harass them. Wouldn't you wonder why?

Dorian informs Walker Laurence what a worthless human being, husband and father Todd Manning was. And she discovers that Walker does not appreciate that. Wouldn't you wonder why?

Viki Davidson is backing Marcie Walsh for her protesting rights on the Llanview campus. Viki tells Asa and the new Dean of Students that she wants to offer Marcie all the protection that she deserves on campus, after Marcie has received death threats. But, it's useless if Marcie goes somewhere outside of the campus. As Marcie walks outside, she is confronted by people who want to hurt her.

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