One Life to Live Update for Thursday, 21-Aug-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Thu, 21-Aug-2003 3:41:20 PM PST

Jen and Joey's wedding goes off without a hitch. But people are wondering what might have happened to Marcie. She doesn't tell anybody but insists that Al takes her to find the necklace Jen gave her, which is at the place where the sororiety girls tormented her.

Kerri and R.J. are still up to no good. Antonio talks to Rae Cummings and she advises him that he has to do something about his temper. So he does. He meets Jessica for dinner. But right away runs into the abominable father and daughter. R.J. insults him about getting canned from the police force and not being able to afford to eat out anymore. Antonio calmly demands that Kerri tell him why she's made up these lies that he beats her. And Kerri "lures" him outside to talk about their child. She tries to get him riled up by telling him he'll never see Jamie again. But he remains calm. THen she lets out a scream and falls upon a statue, which only looks to anyone who wasn't there, as though Antonio assaulted her.

Dorian is very upset about Blair developing a relationship with Walker. But Blair insists that he's a good man for saving Starr's life.

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