One Life to Live Update for Monday, 25-Aug-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Tue, 26-Aug-2003 10:38:33 AM PST

This episode was a great victory for Antonio in proving his integrity. While Keri, RJ and Evangeline Williamson are having a meeting to rail-road Antonio, Carlotta happens to view them all there without Jamie. She approaches them and remarks that they'd rather spend this time, without Jamie, leaving her with some strange babysitter, than letting her stay with her father or grandmother. Neither Keri nor R.J. pull their heads out of you-know-where. But Evangeline shows genuine concern for what Mrs. Vega has revealed about them.

Later, Antonio is in the park with his mother, and unknowingly overseen and heard by Envangeline. He notices, right then and there, that Jamie is sitting in her stroller, unattended, where anything could have happened to her. ANtonio goes to confront the babysitter. ANd the two witnesses can see that Antonio has GOOD REASON, to grab Jamie and run, right then and well as a perfect opportunity to beat Keri at her own game. But he informs them that he cares more about Jamie, than about his temptation to play spite-games with her mother. Evangeline contacts Keri and informs her that although she may be hired to represent Keri and stab Antonio in the back, Antonio did her a favor, protecting Jamie from what could have happened. Keri won't give up in trying to poison Jessica against Antonio. But Jessica decides she does not buy it and wants to persue a relationship with Antonio.

Kelly is having second thoughts about Kevin and what it could mean if they had a baby. Blair is out to dinner with Walker, goes home with him, and discovers, how, very strangely, Walker has no finger-prints. Kevin also discovers that when trying and failing to get his "hired PI" to identify his prints on the wine glasses when he leaves the restaurant. Jen is getting a little bored without being able to go on her honeymoon with Joey, since he must fill in for Rev. Carpenter. And Rex is still harassing her.

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