One Life to Live Update for Tuesday, 26-Aug-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Tue, 26-Aug-2003 12:02:04 PM PST

Natalie is competing, in Max's bar, with the "pool-sharks". Many people, including Uncle Bo and Antonio, are betting on her.

Antonio and Jessica are in his home making love when Keri is spying on them through the window. They discover she's invading their privacy and confront her. Jessica tries to reason with Keri, telling her she's not the same person she used to be and might need help for the sake of her baby. Keri resents that and tells Jessica that if she stays around Antonio he'll start beating her. But does not believe that and Christian expresses, to Antonio, his concern that Keri's instability might be a threat to the baby.

Walker Laurence drops the bomb-shell about his true identity. After Starr discovers Walker's intimacy with her mother, he has a private talk with her. He tells her that her father has had massive plastic surgery and does not look like himself. She has no idea what he's talking about until he tells her that he is Todd Manning. SHe does not believe it until she quizzes him on all the details of her life that only her father would know and he answers all of the questions and wins her over. So, Walker Laurence is actually Todd Manning. Kind of strange. So often on soaps, they will have the same actor playing two different individuals. But Walker Laurence, played by a completely different actor, says he's Todd.

Kelly is happy to discover that although she's heard up until now that she cannot get pregnant, that in fact she can. However, Dorian is able to detect that the medical records Kelly brings home reveal that a preganncy could kill Kelly. And Dorian is determined to make sure that Kevin knows about that.

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