One Life to Live Update for Monday, 8-Sep-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Mon, 08-Sep-2003 3:22:13 PM PST

Everyone is devastated and baffled, when the chandelier almost fails and injurs Kelly. That mysterious man who wants to "derail" Kevin's appointment to Lieutanent Governor and black-mail him with pictures, is secretly watching. Dorian also "appears" to have lost her 15 million dollar diamond neclace. Her ex-husband signals to her that she must have an "outburst" after discovering it's been stolen. When they are in private, he says he knows she has it. She says she knows he has it. He gives up and departs. WHen he's gone, she pulls it out of her bra and laughs.

Antonio is still being "suspected" for cutting Keri's brake-lines. Bo urges him to leave town and stay away from Keri. Jessica offers to join him.

Kevin offers Christian a job as his assistant. Christian believes he's not qualified and is not into politics. But Kevin encourages him to take a job that pays more and requires less work, less time commitments and more prestige than he currently has. And Kevin adds that he needs somebody who he can trust and who is "together in the head" as he knows Christian is, since Christian moved Kelly out of the way of the falling chandelier, which could have saved her life.

The BIG BOMB-SHELL drops when the man everybody believes is Walker Laurence, but who is REALLY Todd Manning (although bears no physical or personality-resemblance to Todd) meets the REAL Walker Laurence (played by the SAME ACTOR, but whose speech, mannerisms, physical gestures, and personality are SO like that of Mitch Laurence). The "Walker-character" who is really Todd, remains the nice guy, while the REAL brother of the deceased Mitch Laurence seems slimey and calculated.

Marcie had been rushed to the hopital for a staphlococcus infection. At first she's very sick, but with anti-biotics, she gets better. The doctor asks both Al and Max if they've had any contact with her. Al has recently slept with her, and Max has taken her to the hospital. The doctor gives them both medicine. Max is fine. But Al gets terribly sick. At that point, Max makes an emergy call to Gabrielle to tell her that their son is sick. But he misses her. She had become insanely jealous noticing Bo dancing and having a good time with Nora, when she gets home, and has stormed out.

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