One Life to Live Update for Thursday, 11-Sep-2003

Author: jsinmaine
Posting date: Thu, 11-Sep-2003 11:57:07 AM PST

Asa warns Kevin that Dawes will stop at nothing in order to ruin Kevin’s campaign. An envelope addressed to Kelly with pictures of him kissing Blair, an attempt to kill Kelly with a chandelier, nothing is “beneath” Dawes. Asa tells Kevin that Dawes is a rattlesnake who will keep endangering and threatening, until somebody takes a shovel and cuts off his slimy head. Asa says he has a detective who caught Dawes cheating on his wife with a prostitute. But Kevin, surprisingly, tells his grandfather that he wants no part in behavior that is on the same level as Dawes. Asa will not take no for an answer, however, and demands that Christian Vega helps Kevin, although Christian reminds him that Kevin wants no part of that.

Antonio gets a sudden phone-call from his lawyer that the judge has reconsidered hearing his custody case. As expected, R.J. Gannon rants and raves and tells Kerry and Evangeline that Antonio is violent, sick, and unfit to be near a child. But nobody listens.

At the hospital, it looks as though Al is “at death’s door”. But Marcie is determined to keep his spirits up. But as soon as she walks into the hallway, she collapses. Max and the doctor urge her to go home. But she does not want to be so far away, in her dorm room. Jen lets Marcie stay at her home which is only a few blocks away. At the hospital, Joey gives Al a sermon on courage.

It’s obvious that both Kelly and Blair are very “repulsed” by Dorian’s ex-husband, David Vickers. And he is completely unsuccessful in convincing Kelly not to try to conceive a baby with Kevin. Blair suddenly gets a call from “Walker”. He asks her to come to Cross-Roads but won’t tell her why. He plans, with Natalie, to decorate the entire bar with flowers. He is determined to romance Blair and get her back. She seems to be responding well, although she still has no clue that he is Todd.

At Antonio’s trial, Evangeline does a great job to discredit all of Antonio’s witnesses and make excuses for Kerry. Antonio’s lawyer tries everything but is seriously limited. Antonio's mother urges them to call Bo Buchanan. Antonio's lawyer tells him that it may not be a good idea to call the man who fired him from the police force, to be a character witness. But, suddenly Bo appears and tells the court that he believes that inspite of Antonio's problems, he is a good man, a wonderful father, and no danger to anybody. Antonio's lawyer calls Evangeline as a witness. He confirms that although she represents Kerry, she almost hired Antonio for an investigator job. The lawyer also discredit's Kerry's allegations that Antonio's beat her, by proving there are no witnesses except R.J., who along with Kerry, lied that she and her daughter were killed in a plane-crash. R. J. and Kerry are very worried, blame Evangeline for almost hiring Antonio, and she tells them that they may have ruined their own case. And the judge rules that Antonio may have joint custody of Jamie.

At Jen's home, after hearing her complain about Joey never having enough time for her, Marcie lashes out about how Jen should be grateful that she finally has everything she's ever wanted. The reason, is obviously because Marcie is afraid she will lose Al. Max and Gabrielle want to believe that Al will get better but the doctor does not have good news. He tells them that Al needs a liver transplant.

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