One Life to Live Update for Wednesday, 24-Sep-2003

Author: Becky624
Posting date: Wed, 24-Sep-2003 8:50:10 PM PST

Walker proposes to Blair as Kevin looks on.

Kelly meets David at Ultra Violet. D says he was just about to give up on her. He doesn't understand how Kevin can spend even one night away from her. Kelly says she and Kevin are fine, have an incredible marriage. Kelly starts to leave but David stops her.

Gabs is looking for Al in his hospital room, Bo and Max walk up. Gabs is asking where's Al? Did he go for more surgery? Where's Al? Max looks away.

Marcie is over at Deke's telling him Al is dead and you killed him. Deke says I don't know what you're talking about. Deke tries to shut the door, but she stops him and tells him he is not going anywhere until he faces what he did. She tells him the he and Madison murdered him with their little sadistic games, but she's not going to let him get away with it.

Dorian at home on the phone, leaving a message for Kelly. River lying on the couch listening to
music. D tells R he's supposed to be reading. R says he was, had mental exhaustion going. D tells him they made a deal with his parents, he has to make progress in order to keep staying with her. R says he doesn't see why he has to read the book again. D is happy that he's already read the book. He says guess I'm not as stupid as I thought I was. Starr comes in and says you're totally stupid. R says compared to you yeah, you know everything. S says I know stuff people don't know, including the both of you. Starr is saying she read the book R is reading last year. D tells her to knock it off, River has a prblem you don't. S says Jack threw up, Hedy took a pain pill and is dead to the world. Starr wants to know where her mom is. Dorian leaves the room.

Back to Blair and Walker. She's gushing over the ring. Walker says put it on. Blair says they don't really know each other. W says they connected, B's worried about making a mistake. W says he's not Todd, won't act like him. B says T used to make promises all the time, always broke them. W says I'll keep mine, marry me, Blair.

Kevin comes over, sits down, comments on the ring. Walker knocks his hand away from it. K calls the ring vulgar. Walker being Todd, Kevin says he doesn't want Blair to make a mistake. W says she can make her own decisions. Kevin says you hardly know this guy, he's probably not even Walker Laurence. B says she knows enough. W asks where Kelly is, guys fighting. B says go home, Kevin, and be with Kelly. Kevin leaves. B says K is right, it's going way too fast, W tries to convince her to say yes to him.

David telling Kelly some story about a criminal he knew or something, making her laugh. D is flirting. David says Dorian did not send him. Rex comes up asks where Kevin is, Kelly leaves, David is not happy with Rex.

Gab says they had to take him for more surgery, right? That's why he's not in his room. Bo says listen, Al's not in surgery. Max says we knew it was a risk. Gab crying. What are you saying? Max tells her Al's heart stopped. Gab is screaming no, you're lying to me, you're lying to me! Crying and screaming.

Deke tells Marcie to get out. M says do you want me to tell the whole world what a psycho you are? D says aw, did the big guy dump you? Marcie yells Al is dead! D says for real? M tells him about the infection and how Al got it from her and now he's dead. D says that's not my fault, now get out of here. He pushes her as he's saying this. M. says you and Madison think you can treat people like dirt, but you're scum! Now she's pushing him. D says get out of here! I'm sorry he died but there's really nothing I can do about that. M says you're more dead than he is (laughing and crying) and you don't even know it. I'm going to spend my life with the living. D goes back in his house.
Ron walks up, explains how he found her, tells her she was awesome. M says but it won't bring Al back. They hug.

Blair and Walker again. She needs time to think, he says that's fine. B says she's not ready to get married again, doesn't know if she ever will be. W says have a little faith. He asks her to take the wring. B says her heart is saying one thing but her head is saying another. W says listen to your heart. B says she needs time. W asks how much? She doesn't know, please let me go. Blair leaves.

Starr and River talking about Dorian. River asks about Starr's secret, she says it's huge. Phone ringing, Starr runs out to answer it, it's Walker. She asks what's going on? W tells her mom's on her way home, I asked her to marry me, she didn't say yes. Starr wants to know if he messed it up. W says she didn't say no. Starr wants W to tell B who he is, he says I can't. W says I need you to work on it. Starr says don't worry, "D", I'm on it. Dorian comes down the stairs so Starr hangs up on Walker.

Gab is falling apart in Al's room. Bo is holding her and Max is turned away again. Marcie and Ron walk up. Gab puts her hand out to Marcie, M goes over to take her hand.

Kelly is back home, David has followed her. Kelly wants him to leave. She says Kevin will be back tomorrow. D says and when he gets back he's going to go straight to work. Kelly is defending how important Kevin's work is. David says how lucky Kevin is. Kelly defending Kevin. David says she has an absentee husband. D says he wouldn't settle for what she's got. Tells her she's alone, that's no way to live. David kisses her, she kisses him back.

Bo asks Ron outside of Al's room how Marcie seems, Ron says she's strong so far but he'll be there when her strength gives out. Bo says they'll all be their for her, she has a lot of friends. Bo and Max are outside of Al's room.

Back in Al's room, Gab and Marcie holding hands. Gab says I failed him. M says no. It wasn't you it was the transplant, his body gave out. G says I failed him so many times. She wishes she had died. M says no, you almost died. G says I wish I had. M says don't say that. G says I loved him so much. M says I did, too. I gave him the infection. If he wouldn't have been taking care of me, none of this would've happened. G says you brought him such happiness. M says it's okay. Marcie's holding Gabrielle now.

Back to David and Kelly. Still kissing, she stops. D wants to go to a hotel or his car or stables. K says no, can't do this. D doesn't understand how she can be loyal to Kevin. Kelly apologizes for leading him on, tells him he's very attractive. Kevin is yelling out to Kelly, he walks in the room. Kelly and David look VERY guilty. Kevin asks what the hell is this?

Back at Ultra Violet, Todd -- I mean Walker is there. Rex is chatty, Walker is not, tells him to get out of his face.

Blair is back home. Dorian asks where she's been, she says chasing a story. Dorian thinks she was chasing Kevin. Starr walks in, she has the ring Walker gave Balir. Blair says it's not an engagement ring. Dorian and Starr want answers. B admits that Walker proposed. Starr says you have to accept, he's a great guy. Starr says they have to face facts, dad is never coming back. Dorian and Starr are trying to talk Blair into the engagement. Dorian says thank heavens walker is no Todd. Starr has a shocked look on her face.

Back to Al's hospital room with Bo now holding Gab. Marcie asks is there anything I can get you? Gab says just my son. M mouths I'm so sorry, then she walks out of the room.
Marcie out in the hall with Ron, he asks how she's doing. She says she's scared. Al was the first person to truly lover her, thought she was beautiful. She says she was when she was with him. Al was her bestfriend, what does she do now?
Max walks out into the hallway, Marcie walks over to him and says I really loved your son. Max says I know. Marcie says everyone did. The voice of the night made such a difference to so many people. Marcie says she has to go and tell his fans what happened. Max says you don't have to do that, Marcie says yes, she does. Ron and Marcie leave to go to the station.

Bo has to leave, asks Max to keep an eye on Gab.
Gab is in Al's room looking at the pictures. Max walks back in, goes over and picks up the tape player and hits play, Al's voice saying Hey, Marcie, how's my girl? If you're listening to this, maybe surgery didn't go so well. Gab hears this and looks like she's ready to collapse.

Kevin is yelling at David to stay away from his wife. Kevin yelling at Kelly, wants to know what she's doing. Kel says this is ridiculous, nothing happened. Kev is worried about the press finding out about this. Kel is ticked that he's only worried about the press. Kel wants Kev to trust her, he says he's not the one who had an affair. Kel says we said we'd never bring that up again. Kev says you swore you would never do it again. Kel says she won't. She said she did it because she was lonely. Kev says that makes it okay. Kev says everything is crazy, he doesn't have a choice. Kel says he's always gone, always flirting with other women. Kev says I never slept with any of them, did I? Kel says thanks and starts to walk out. Kev stops her, says we can't let this happen. Kel says I don't know how to stop it, Kev says neither does he, but they can't go on like this. Kel asks does that mean you want a divorce?

Blair and Starr talking about Walker. Starr says she's never usually a chicken. B says that Todd was the love of her life. That's why she has to think really hard about letting someone else in. Starr thinks Blair should do it. Starr goes up to bed, David walks in using his own keys. David tells Dorina the deal is off. Says Kelly is completely devoted to Kevin, they'll never break them apart. Dor says we have to. David says why?
Dor tells him Kelly could die if she gets pregnant.

Kev apologizes to Kel. Kel says you were jealous, it was nice, gives me hope. They kiss, go off to bed, I guess.

Blair answers her door, it's Walker. He just grabs her and kisses her. He says he can't leave it like this, say you'll marry me please. Blair is pushing him back out the door, asks him do you need an answer tonight? Then the answer is no. She shuts and locks the door. Walker is banging on the door, yelling for her. Dor wants to let him in, Blair says no. Walker leaves.

Marcie is at the station, on air. She says the voice won't be broadcasting anymore. (Show River at home listening) M says he's gone to a place where there's love, peace, justice. A place where the only thing that matters is what's in your heart. If you ever heard him, you know the voice always spoke from the heart. Even though we can't hear him anymore, we know that his spirit will always be with us. Earlier tonight, Al Holden, the voice of the night, died. This is the place Al could always be himself, touched a lot of people, including me. He was so much more than just a voice to me. He was my friend, my love, my soul mate. He was my hero. Al was a wondeful son, brother, friend to so many people. We'll miss him,but we'll keep him alive forever in our hearts. (Show Max and Gab in Al's hospital room listening.) He loved this radio show, fought to keep it when the administration threated to close him down for speaking his mind. He knew a lot of people were counting on him to keep you company throught the long, lonely night. I know I was. This song was one of his favorites. I hope that you'll remember him.

Song is playing now, Marcie sings along. (This Years Love, by David Grey) Very nice Marcal montage. We go back and forth from Gab and Max back to Marcie and Ron.

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