One Life to Live Update for Friday, 3-Sep-2004

Author: qodrn
Posting date: Sun, 03-Oct-2004 3:46:02 PM PDT

David and Dorian think Kelly is loosing her grip on reality (again?) because Kelly states that Kevin will let her have Ace.

They don't realize Kelly has threatened to return Ace to his real parents if Kevin doesn't let her see Ace.

Meanwhile, Kevin tells David he has to sell him back his former shares of Craze, or no Ace for Kelly.

Natalie says that she turned Rex's and Paul's heist in to the security company.

RJ is still after Rex, pay up in two weeks or you are a dead man.

Lindsay tries to make Shannon see that Rex is not trustworthy (she wants him for herself?).

Jen is unhappy that Flash want to make up with Riley. She unloads on Mark.

Marcie is not successful in her attempts to reunite her father and brother.

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