One Life to Live Update for Friday, 24-Sep-2004

Author: qodrn
Posting date: Sun, 10-Oct-2004 10:05:19 PM PDT

Dorian is very concerned that Kelly did not come to the gala.
Todd locks Asa in a closet in his home.
One of Tico's henchman knocks Antonio out and ties him up.
Adriana and Duke attempt to make Kevin see how he is hurting Kelly by denying her time with her son.
Tico is El Tiberon. He is trying to get Antonio to commit crimes to prove his loyalty over the telephone. He asks Antonio to kill someone.
Upon hearing about the $20,000 reward being offerred for Asa, Roxy tells Nigel how Rex was boasting about rescuing Asa in the woods.
David finds Kelly at the diner. Grateful for a friend, Kelly plants another kiss on her aunt's fiance.
After Nigel and Roxy let Asa out of the closet, Asa grabs a couple of pistols and goes to the gala.
Sonia finds Antonio where the henchman left him. Jessica decides to attend the gala with Tico.

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