One Life to Live Update for Monday, 4-Oct-2004

Author: qodrn
Posting date: Sun, 10-Oct-2004 10:50:27 PM PDT

Todd refuses to let Blair take him to the hospital even though he has a fever.
Antonio prays about the visits from Angelina's ghost.
Tico asks Adriana to attend his wedding.
Natalie tries to talk Jessica out of her wedding.
Sonia tells Antonio she believes in ghosts.
Starr fears she'll never see Travis again after his mother turns down Viki's job offer due to Todd.
Paul tells Lindsay he is not like Rex. Jen is upset when she sees them kissing.
Tico asks Jessica to wear his mother's wedding dress. Natalie agrees to be in the wedding, then lets Antonio know what is going on.
Reminding Todd how his latest schemes have hurt their daughter, Blair has him promise to stop attacking Kevin.
Jessica's wedding begins.
Isabella's spirit returns again. (The ghost really thinks Antonio hasn't got the picture yet?)
Jen stops Paul from stealing from the art gallery.

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