One Life to Live Update for Friday, 5-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 06-Aug-2005 12:10:58 PM PDT

Todd is on the phone ready to get the city of New York charged with false arrest and police brutality. He enters Capricorn and talks to a guy whom he’s hired. Right then, RJ is photographing Antonio looking like he might be doing something “questionable” with Layla. RJ then goes and sits with Lindsay. Todd’s contact tells him he needs to go and find out what his niece is up to in New York, through another source.

Meanwhile, Tess and Nash are in the bed, with a curtain separating them.

Outside Capricorn, a dude is taking bribes from Rex (or the other way around). An informant is watching him and telling Bo what he’s observed Rex Balsom doing. He asks Bo if he wants him to bring Balsom in. Bo says no. Just keep him posted.

John wants to get it on with Evangeline in her apartment. But she hesitates and notices he seems to have been drinking. She decides not to sleep together. He tells her he had a reason to come to her house. But he cannot tell her the reason. She demands to know why he came there and what he wants.

Lindsay notices RJ’s “photograph” of Antonio and Layla. She wants to leave. He tells her he wants to get out of Capricorn because he’s had his fill of Vega and company. She tells him she feels the same way.

The dude whom Antonio has hired asks Todd what he knows about Jessica. Todd tells Antonio it does not matter if Jessica is in New York or if she is in Timbuktu. All Antonio needs to know is that she’s gone where she’s gone to get away from him.

“Tess” gets out of bed and attempts to find a job on the Internet. Nash asks her what is going on. She tells him she’s already told him. She needs to find a job because in order for this living arrangement to work out, she needs to make money. He reminds her that when he first met her, she took off all her clothes in front of a bunch of strangers. So he knows she is not the “shy” type. He tells her he wants this to work. He wants her to admit that she is afraid of what is going on between them.

John tells Evangeline that he hates what he’s doing to her, flip-flopping between her and Natalie. He tells her when he first met her, she made him feel like he is worth something. And he is sorry that he cannot be the man she deserves. Hearing that, she tells him she will put on some coffee. When she’s gone, he grabs her stuffed animal and tells it it has the right to remain silent. It also has the right to shut up. He talks to himself about how he’d like to tell people they have no rights after the terrible things they’ve done. All they have is the right to go straight to hell. She comes back and hears what he is saying and looks like she is concerned for what is happening to him.

At Capricorn, Antonio tells Todd that regardless of what Todd thinks of him, he loves Jess and if she’s in trouble, he wants to know about it. Todd tells Antonio that he is Jessica’s uncle and he can take care of her by himself. Antonio tells Todd he better stop playing games with him. Todd asks Antonio what he plans to do. Get his “goons” to rough him up? Right then, Layla enters and tells Antonio that he better not go after Todd or he will get himself in trouble. And she needs to protect him from himself.

Nash tells Tess that he knows she’s afraid of the feelings she has for him. She tells him he needs to get over himself. But he tells her that there is a connection she feels when she looks at him. Just like there is a connection that he feels when he looks at her. She looks at them both in the mirror. He tells her he knows it would be so easy for her if she could make it all about sex. That’s what women are so good at. Using the sex card. But this is about more. It’s about trusting another person. It’s about giving up some of your power. And he tells her he knows that that is what terrifies her. She does not respond to that.

John tells Evangeline that she is beautiful. He tells her he likes how her mom calls her Cookie. He tells her he likes the closeness he sees between her and her mom. He hasn’t seen anything like that since he was a kid. She tells him he could change that. But he tells her now his life is all about his work. He needs to find Natalie. He tells her that it’s never enough. He should have made Barber talk and tell him where Natalie is. That’s what his job is. He needs to save people. She tells him he cannot save the entire world. He reveals that there is something else in his life that he cannot get over involving his failure to save somebody else. She asks if it’s about Caitlin. But it sounds like there is something else that he is living with in regard to his failure to be there for people.

Bo caches Rex Balsom at the station and asks where he is headed. He notices that Rex is carrying a little brown bad with something. He pulls it out and discovers that Rex is carrying a gun.

At Capricorn, Antonio tells Layla she better stay out of his business. She tells him she realizes maybe it is not any of her business what just went on with Todd. But she observed that he was ready to take that guy apart. And as owner of this bar, it’s not good for business. He then informs her that that was Jessica’s uncle. And he was very close to finding out where she was. She says to him, “excuse me for trying to help you out.” She tells him next time….He walks off and tells her that there will not be a next time.

Todd’s PI tells him he needs money. Todd tells him he should charge him money instead for failing to find Jessica. He tells the guy he will only pay him when he’s delivered the goods. Right then, Antonio enters and, revealing that he is also hiring the guy, tells him that he will double the money he’s offered him. He can forget about tailing Todd Manning and instead find Jessica Buchanan. And Antonio will pay him big bucks.

Nash tells Tess she may back off if she wants and they can be nothing more than roomies. But he needs to know what is going on with her. She tells him that women commonly change their minds. He says he knows that. But it must be for a reason. He asks if he’s said or done something to give her the indication that he will not be there when she wakes up in the morning. She responds to him that she’s worried that she will not be there when he wakes up in the morning.

After Bo has uncovered the gun Rex is hiding, he tells Rex that he is worried that he might do something crazy with Barber and get himself into trouble. He reminds Rex that it is a felony to carry a concealed weapon. Rex tells Bo that he is worried about Natalie because she is the only family he has. Bo tells Rex that he could lock him up. But he tells him he has a better idea than “tempting” Rex by holding him in a cell next to Barber.

After hearing that John has a “secret”, Evangeline asks him if it was something that happened before or during when he was working for the FBI. Was it something involving his mother or father? Was it when he was a child? Hearing that, he tells her he is tired of all the questions. She tells him she sees and senses all the pain and hurt he is living with and she’s trying to help him. But she knows that it’s not working and concludes that this whole thing is all wrong. He tells her it’s not her. She tells him that she’s tried so hard to get him to open up because it would free him and make him stronger and make them stronger. But she is afraid it’s a big mistake. She wants him to confront whatever it is that haunts him. But not if it’s going to destroy him. He tells her his intent for coming to her home, tonight was to tell her everything. She asks if he really wanted to or did he just feel it was the “right thing to do”. She suggests that maybe she is not the right thing for him to be saying these things to. She asks if he cares more for Natalie than he does for her. He tells her it’s not that. It’s just that Natalie needs somebody to take care of her. And they agree it may be the one and only thing he knows how to do.

RJ and Lindsay go to his apartment and bring Jamie out. She holds Jamie while he goes to take care of some business. Lindsay notices that Jamie has been doing finger painting and tells her she will one day help her become a great artist. She also tells Jamie that Aunt Lindsay will hang an original Jamie Vega art painting in her art gallery. And she is so honored because she never before thought she’d be able to hold a little girl in her arms after her Jen. RJ returns and Lindsay tells him there’s something she has to show him. She gives him the cell phone photo of his attempt to get Antonio in trouble.

The mutual PI of Antonio and Todd informs Antonio that Todd tried and failed to find Jessica in New York. Todd got arrested for disorderly conduct but they dropped the charges. And one thing that is obvious is that Jessica does not want to be found. He even gives Antonio the newspaper report about the incident. Antonio attempts to read it and Layla takes it out of his hands. He then tells her perhaps she can “keep him company” when he goes to New York.

Tess asks Nash how she can know that she will not just be an unimportant thing in his life. He tells her that with all that they have done together, maybe all she wanted was room and board. Just then, his phone rings. Alone, she looks out the window. He returns and tells her he’s going to go back to sleep. But then, she tells him that he’s got her. And she kisses him.

Bo tells Rex that he will give him the same advice he gave McBain. He knows that they are both going insane over Natalie’s disappearance. He takes him down to the shooting room and tells him that this is whre you go to let off steam. Rex does not want to listen to Bo. But Bo tells Rex that he needs to stop playing cop and harassing John and accusing himof not doing his job. Rex asks Bo if this will help. Bo say yes to Rex. If he wantst to find his sister, he needs to get his head on straight.

John tells Evangeline that everything he says come out wrong. And what he meant is that Natalie needs something that is easier for him to be. But he always felt that he was not good enough for her. She asks him why he cannot see himself the way she sees him. He’s the man who can take her in his arms and make her forget the rest of the world. She asks him if he wants to miss out on what they could have together. He tells her he doesn’t want to lose her. She tells him then don’t. She then tells him to go home and “sleep it off”. She tells him Barber’s arraignment will be tomorrow and it will be a big day, for everybody. He wants to say something to her when he goes out the door but cannot. She closes the door. And they both look like they are incomplete. He goes outside her building and looks as though he is lost in thought.

After RJ discovers that Lindsay knows he’s trying to set Antonio up to look like he’s getting it on with Layla, he tells her that Antonio is cheating on Jessica. She tells him she does not want to be part of the “war” between Antonio where he is using Evangeline’s sister against him. But she later tells him that maybe they should “use” this so that they can hold onto Jamie. She then goes to paint with Jamie. RJ then calls Todd Manning and tells him he can help him with his “misunderstanding” with Antonio. He tells Todd he can email him something that can “brighten up his night”.

Antonio tells Layla he's very worried about Jessica.

In, NY it looks like Tess and Nash are really bonding. Antonio is not certain what he should do with Layla. Bo and Rex are shooting at targets. Evangeline is all alone and feeling empty. John still has Natalie on the brain.

And we finally see Natalie. She is locked in a closed place screaming for help.

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