One Life to Live Update for Monday, 22-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 22-Aug-2005 12:10:21 PM PDT

Viki and Antonio are at Llanfair, awaiting Jessica to return and reveal to Viki her “big secret”. She has no clue what the “secret” could be. And Antonio wants to wait for Jessica to tell her mother all about Tess.

Right then Tess is “taking hold” of Jessica. She tells her there are TWO secrets that happened to “them” during childhood. And she knows something Jessica knows nothing about that happened to “them” in New York. Hearing that, Jessica asks WHAT could have happened in New York. Right then, Nash finds her and tells her that he would like to know about “what happened” in New York also.

Dorian tells David that she would like to know his “big secret” about Spencer. She tells him she could probably get more truth out of Spencer than she could from him. He tells her if she wants to “know the truth”, she need only look at Kevin and Kelly. Hearing them mentioned, Dorian tells David that all she knows or cares about is the fact that they have been “estranged”. And she does not have a problem with that. He tells her that Spencer is the reason they have broken up. Dorian still wonders where there is a “problem”. She seems to be really puzzled why Kevin does not want Kelly and Kevin to break up since he doesn’t really care for Kevin either. How could his own brother be so much worse than a sleezeball like Kevin? She tells him if he knows of how Spencer could hurt any of her “girls”, she demands to know what he knows. In response to that, David informs Dorian that it was Spencer’s fault, and not Kelly’s, that the B.E. information got leaked out and B.E. lost tons of money. Spencer let Kelly take the blame for it when it was he who intentionally screwed up Kevin’s company. Hearing that, she’s a little surprised but admits to David that she thinks the man should get a medal. What’s wrong with ruining Kevin’s company and breaking up Kelly and Kevin? But David reminds her that Spencer ruined her niece’s reputation and again, she must realize that Kelly is in love with Kevin and not with Spencer.

Rex approaches Evangeline. He tells her he knows what she thinks of him but she must know he is not all bad. He tells her that he wants to thank her for saving his sister’s life. She tells him, sarcastically, that “saving the life” of the woman who the man she loves, loves is a “piece of cake”. He reveals to her that he is not really in favor of his sister getting back with John. He’s afraid that John will break her heart. He remembers his own “ill-fated” love for Jen. And he’s afraid his sister will end up like Jen.

In her hospital room, Natalie looks so HAPPY to have John there. And she tells him that what motivated her to get through what happened to her was him. She also reveals to him that she had a dream about him that “motivated” her to get out of the well. He asks what “he did” in her dream. She tells him he married Evangeline. She tells him she cannot help what she dreams when she is in the bottom of a pit. He asks why the thought if him marrying Evangeline would give her reason to live.

While Jessica sees Nash, (a total stranger to her) demanding to know what is going on with her, Tess is demanding that Jessica lets her come out. She tells Jessica she doesn’t know what she is doing. Jessica tells them both that she needs to go and talk to her mother. Nash has NO CLUE what is happening to her or why she mentioned her mother. He calls her Tess. Right then, she knows how he knows her and tells him her name is not Tess.

Viki tells Antonio that she feels pretty good and no longer worries now that both her daughters are ok. He tells her he understands very much she is feeling, as he always remembers his daughter and the woman he loves. But he admits to Viki that he and Jessica still have a lot of “obstacles” to overcome. Having no clue what he’s talking about, Viki asks him what problems he and Jessica could possibly have. He tells her that he must wait until Jessica arrives before he tells her.

Having NO CLUE what is going on with “Jessica”, Nash tells her she has pulled a scam on him and demands to know why. Jessica hasn’t a clue what to tell him. Tess demands that she comes out. And right then, Tess talks to Nash and tells him they must go back to New York and pick up where they’ve left off. But he tells her they must wait. Why did she just recently tell him that she is not Tess?

Antonio and Viki are awaiting Jessica, wondering what the frig is holding her up. He tells her he assumes that maybe she is “hesitating” to drop the bombshell to her mother. But Viki tells him that he must get Jessica to realize that she is healthy and perfectly ok and can hear anything Jessica wants to tell her.

Antonio gets tired of waiting for Jessica and goes to the hospital to find Dr. Jamieson.

Meanwhile, “Tess” tells Nash that she did not want him to see this “Llanview” side of her. He demands to know what she is talking about. He tells her he assumes it must be about that “rapist guy”, Todd Manning. He tells her she must not live in fear of him. They should just go to the cops. Hearing that, “Tess” tells him there is no reason to care about Todd. He’s a sleezeball and a loser. But he is her uncle. She doesn’t want to worry or care about her family any more. She just wants to continue what they “had” while in New York.

Kevin and Kelly find each other again, after drinking at the Palace. They both make jokes about how they know she is not interested in Spencer and the only person who has a problem with that is Dorian.

“Tess” tells Nash that she’d like to forget that whole “unfortunate mess”. She tells him she is sorry. Somehow her family found her. She’d like to forget about it and move on and still plans to go to California with him. But he tells her he cannot. He does not know if he can believe anything she says or trust her again.

Natalie and John are getting’ it on.

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