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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 31-Mar-2024 8:25:44 PM PDT
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of April 1st

Monday April 1st
Finn accuses Steffy of using Thomas and Hope's breakup to create a Forrester vs. Logan feud; Zende and Luna find themselves in a surreal situation; Hope is surprised by Liam's authentic concern and comfort.

Tuesday April 2nd
Steffy flips when she learns of the memorial Deacon is planning for Sheila; the Logan sisters attempt to dissuade Deacon from involving Finn and Hope in his plans; Liam and Hope share an endearing moment with Beth.

Wednesday April 3rd
With Hope and Finn in attendance, Deacon gives an emotional farewell to Sheila Carter.

Thursday April 4th
Steffy and Liam are conflicted by Finn and Hope's choice; Lauren Fenmore visits Eric, who reminisces about his time with Sheila; Finn gives an impassioned sendoff to his mother.

Friday April 5th
Eric and Lauren rejoice over Sheila's passing; Hope and Finn bond over their shared connection; unable to leave her, Deacon accompanies Sheila's body to the crematorium.

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