Bold and the Beautiful Message Board


Zap2it B&B Daily Previews, plus Preemption News spoiler

From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Mon, 25-Nov-2024 8:12:00 AM PST
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of November 25th

Monday November 25th
Oblivious to the danger lurking, Electra bumps into an old friend -- Remy Pryce; Ridge's disbelief soon turns to anger when Brooke spills Hope and Carter's secret to Ridge.

Tuesday November 26th
Electra finally lets Ivy in on why she fled home for Los Angeles -- but of course, it's not what anyone would expect; Remy works his magic on Deacon, who is intrigued; Ridge reels from Carter's betrayal.

Wednesday November 27th
Ridge calls in high-end attorney Justin Barber to fix the mess that Carter has left; Hope spirals when Brooke shatters her world with the ultimate betrayal.

B&B is pre-empted for CBS Sports coverage on Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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