Days of Our Lives Message Board


I agree EJ didn't force these women to sleep with him and am annoyed

From: CanaryFan98 Find all posts by CanaryFan98 Send private message to CanaryFan98
Date: Sat, 23-Nov-2024 8:02:17 AM PST
Where: Days of Our Lives Message Board
In topic: 🦃🍗🥧 DOOL November Post 🦃🍗🥧 posted by The_Cat_Did_It
In reply to: STFU, Gabi. Her wanting to blame her failed marriage all on EJ posted by The_Cat_Did_It
it's being treated as such.

I just want Leo to go away and never return the only time I found him tolerable was when he was blackmailing Sloane

I agree about Clyde he should've been killed off ages ago.

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