Days of Our Lives Message Board


I'm enjoying all the big cast returns, just sad it's for the loss of Doug.

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Mon, 02-Dec-2024 8:36:46 PM PST
Where: Days of Our Lives Message Board
In reply to: 🎅🎄🦌 DOOL December Post 🎅🎄🦌 posted by The_Cat_Did_It
I wonder when they will have John's exit. I'm assuming sooner rather than later since it was said Drake signed off on it and it was filmed before his passing. The show has lost a lot of long standing characters the last couple years.

[Edited by The_Cat_Did_It on Mon, 02-Dec-2024 8:37:33 PM PST]
[Edited by The_Cat_Did_It on Mon, 02-Dec-2024 8:39:02 PM PST]
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