General Hospital Message Board


He became aware but you can't put the Jeannie back in the bottle. He was

From: jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Find all posts by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Send private message to jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
Date: Tue, 09-Apr-2024 6:58:32 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of April 8th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Never once said she wasn’t blameless. In love with her or not—he became aware posted by Antwon
in love with her because of her actions. You really don't think not telling Carly her husband was alive, followed by then starting a relationship with said husband isn't a form of stealing ones husband?

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