General Hospital Message Board


Must we watch Dex train? Seriously? Can't they contrive a jex meeting

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Fri, 03-May-2024 2:58:28 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of April 29th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Some other way? Between Cody mucking stalls and Dex running drills, this show is a bundle of fun 😄

So, Carly doesn't want Donna around Sonny because they had a fight? That seems A bit harsh. Nothing good will come out of Ava keeping the medication secret.

This new project will put Drew directly against Sonny, if it comes to the docks. Doesn't it?

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