General Hospital Message Board


I've really liked most of Liz's pairings. A.J. and Zander were my least

From: Jo16 Find all posts by Jo16 Send private message to Jo16
Date: Thu, 23-May-2024 5:41:55 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ***Elizabeth and Becky thread ~ May 2024 *** posted by Paj_Staying4Becky
In reply to: I’m guessing at some point drunkFinn will blame Liz for his dead wife…and his posted by Paj_Staying4Becky
favorites. Liked Zander even less when it turned out he was Cameron's father instead of Ric. Didn't like the writing on that at all. Finn and Elizabeth could have used some better writing. That entire story where his wife was tied in with her parents was really out there.

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