General Hospital Message Board


Not sure how a custody battle would work. According to the script ….

From: AmberRedux Find all posts by AmberRedux Send private message to AmberRedux
Date: Thu, 13-Jun-2024 8:57:29 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of June 10th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I'm all for Tolly having some much needed drama but they straight have posted by Antwon
… Molly/TJ have zero standing to sue for custody. Their only hope for custody is that Kristina continues to cooperate. So of course, TJ’s best idea is to blow that up.

But of course it’s GH so I’m sure some case for the wannabe adoptive parents will be made. And it’s really good drama. I’m quite enjoying hating TJ’s sorry arse, lol.

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