General Hospital Message Board


I predict she's gone by the end of the summer. They cut ME to bring back

From: jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Find all posts by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Send private message to jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
Date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024 9:52:03 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of June 24th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Maura West Opens Up About Her Future On ‘General Hospital’ 😬 posted by Antwon
Jonathan Jackson and it sounds like more old characters are coming back. If so they have to cut costs somewhere. This show is tough to watch right now, without her on I'll lose a lot of interest.

[Edited by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan on Fri, 28-Jun-2024 9:52:21 AM PDT]
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