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Re: These stories are so messy and not in a good way. STFU Kristina!

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Tue, 02-Jul-2024 6:41:10 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: These stories are so messy and not in a good way. STFU Kristina! posted by Antwon
Kristina is going overboard with this. I bet she is hormonal and it is all catching up to her. She did mention that Sam and Alexis warned her about exactly this situation. I agree, the writing for her if getting worse.

Ava/Trina - I HATE. HATE. HATE. These writers are trashing such a beautiful friendship. Ava has always mentored Trina and treated her like a daughter and suddenly Trina is seeing an Ava that Spencer described? GTOOH. She asked you something that she shouldn't have, but let's not act like she asked you to put arsenic in Sonny's ice tea. These plot points are stupid and happening more frequently. Speaking of Ava. She did have a point today. As questionable as Ava's past may be--Sonny is a known mobster, with a slew of arrests and public record of shootings, bombings and he beat two people with this bare hands. Dex didn't press charges but I thought Cyrus gave Sonny's name to the police but later, refused to press charges? I say all that to indicate that Scott should easily be able to show that Sonny is not a suitable parent for sole custody.

I disagree about Ava asking Trina about Sonny. She pointedly asked Trina to basically be her mole. I didn't have any problems with Trina's reaction, until she mentioned Spencer. Ava is dead wrong to ask Trina to do this. More importantly, Ava is better than this. She probably knows more about Sonny's business than Joss ever would. In fact, she should approach Dex for dirt on Sonny. That said, I agree about Sonny's actions provable or not playing against him in court.

Deception Divas - The fallout tomorrow should be good but the writing here is still sloppy. Maxie's phone starts going off and she doesn't turn it off during a that moments later it starts going off again? You know what would have been better? If the receptionist came in and announced that everyone needs to pull up the Invader ASAP! The spoilers indicate that Krissy confronts someone that was believed to be Ava before taking a trip down the stairs. Now I am starting to wonder if it's Natalia that she confronts. Ava wasn't to remain anonymous should she wouldn't reveal to Kristina that she is the one that leaked the recording. But how long can this stay a secret? Natali should recall that she said those things to Ava.

It would have been great if the receptionist had burst in about the invader article. BTW, Ava is beyond stupid if she thinks this is not going to come back on her. If they hadn't used the audio clip, she could have lied her way out of it. Now Natalia knows where the clip came from.

This stupid writing for Ava makes me think that she is not long for the GH world.

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