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Re: Today had good fallout scenes but the writers totally missed the mark on LGBTQ

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Wed, 03-Jul-2024 8:18:27 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Today had good fallout scenes but the writers totally missed the mark on LGBTQ posted by Antwon
So Kristina started this foundation and now the fallout includes her being canceled because she is dating someone who is in the closet? She's not fit to run the center? I call BS on that. LGBTQ is about pride, love, acceptance and being yourself. It also supports a person on THEIR journey. A a gay woman, Blaze is allowed to come out how and when she wants. There is no timetable. There is no expiration date on it. I would say majority LGBTQ knows this and would not cancel Blaze or Kristina over it. Coming out is hard. I didn't do it until I was 30 years old. I have friends that did it at in their teens. It's different for everyone. My sister had a gf at age 15.

Right? Just because Kristina's GF is not out, they will reject her? Doesn't make sense in this day and age.

That being said, I totally get homophobes posting comments they don't want to listen to Blaze's music anymore and I get why some gay people would be bothered but unless Blaze was out there holding hands and smooching a guy at movie premieres, etc. Being in the closet isn't a bad thing at all.

This I get. People do have strong reactions to celebrities and the perceived 'deception'.

I hate that Adrian folded like a lawn chair for Alexis. The recording very well could have come via the tip line. Of course we know it didn't but Alexis had no real leverage to force that out of him and I sure would like to know how she knows a quick way out of this that Adrian's lawyer wouldn't know. Plot point to get Alexis to Ava in record time.

Adrian is a weasel, so I totally expected him to fold.

Lastly and most importantly, only on GH do we have a mobster who is a career criminal passing judgment, and declaring himself the fit parent because he's upset with his baby momma for turning in his other baby momma. I have NEVER liked Sonny. Don't get the appeal. Not sure why any woman would fall for him, let alone want to be with him. A man who has people killed, beaten, kidnapped, shot, stabbed, tortured, has armed guards, and whose son was shot in the head because he was standing by his dad. THAT is the parent who should be raising a child? If Sonny uses this Watergate scandal to force Ava to agree to sole custody--I will seriously consider taking a break from GH. What I'm hoping for is a nasty, dirty, no holds bar fight. Ava letting Avery go for anything less would be a total disservice to a character who once killed a woman so she couldn't out her brother. And she stabbed Ryan for what he did to Kiki with the intention of killing him. This is not a woman who will crumble, hand over her daughter and then fall on the floor in a puddle of tears.

Yes, this is GH. Even Joss says Sonny is the better parent. In what universe? Diane made the argument yesterday about Ava giving back whatever Sonny throws at her. This has to be a knockout drag down fight. Ava wouldn't do anything less. Let her use every weapon in her arsenal and play dirty.

I have no way of knowing if MW is on her way out (something else that might cause my break for GH) but if she is, Ava needs to take a metal bat to Sonny's greasy head or pump some lead into him and then take Avery and flee Port Charles.

LOL. If Ava is leaving, I would rather she go down swinging.

I think the writers have missed the mark here for Natalia. Today, while she was reeling and they were coming at her from all angles--Lois was the voice of reason and was advocating for compassion. Natalia's response that "my relationship with my daughter is none of your business" didn't really ring true for me. But I guess this is how they are writing her as a cold, self-absorbed bitch. But we've seen her be nice. She was nice to Gio. She's been nice to Sonny. She clapped and thru rice at BLQ/Chase's wedding. They are missing an opportunity here for layers. She's a homophobe but WHY does she feel this way? Is it due to religious beliefs? Probably. Her POV hasn't really been fleshed out to get to the origin. We all know where this is going. Probably in time for the holidays, Natalia will have an epiphany and accept her daughter's sexuality. At least that is my prediction.

I don't care enough about Blaze or Natalia to care about her motivations. Is she religious? I agree that we don't know WHY she objects to Blaze being gay.

There were two things I was always worried about when I could come out to people:
1. Acceptance

2. To be treated differently once the person knew

Thankfully, I usually got one of two responses when I did:
A. I don't care. I just want you to be happy.
B. I was waiting on you to tell me.

That is good.

Ironically, my mom had the worst reaction of anyone. She said hurtful things: This isn't how I raised you. If that's how you want to live your life--you go right ahead. You're not going to get into heaven now etc. We got into a big argument and didn't talk for 10 days. She then called me and apologized for he reaction and we were good.

I am glad you worked it out with your mom.

[Edited by ladfan on Wed, 03-Jul-2024 8:19:27 AM PDT]
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