General Hospital Message Board


It would be bizarre. Finn was only a viable character because ME played him.

From: Emma Find all posts by Emma Send private message to Emma
Date: Wed, 03-Jul-2024 11:07:21 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I’ve read rumors that they might recast Finn. That seems crazy to me. posted by Kitchop
And, the issue was never that ME was unpopular it was that Finn didn’t gel with fans. I mean I don’t think recasting the part is going to help with that.

I have no objections to ME being let go and Finn written out. However, I can think of several actors that should also be let go. I mean CM as Drew can’t be cheap and he has minimum value now Jason is back.

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