General Hospital Message Board


This is a great article. I disagree about Ava being in the Nina

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Wed, 03-Jul-2024 11:07:58 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Disaster Strikes General Hospital — and the *Real* Victim Is… posted by Antwon
role here. Ava didn't blow the whistle on some crime. She OUTED Blaze. it is hard to argue that if Ava had not given the audio clip to the weasel, Blaze would have come out on her terms.

I hate Natalia but what she said is loathsome, but it is not a crime. Like you said, the perfect way to blow up Natalia was to play the recording to Sonny. That way mission accomplished.

BTW, what was Ava's mission here? to rile up Sonny against Natalia? If so, see above.

A journalist giving up their source is right up there with Martin giving up Nina. If Gregory was alive, he would be so disappointed in Alexis. Instead, here we go again with the whistleblower being the focus of the mob & pitchforks when it should be the GUILTY party.

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