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A break from GH is imminent for me. 😒

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Wed, 03-Jul-2024 1:56:32 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
It's like the writers live in the upside down (Stranger Things reference). Left = Right. Cats bark and dogs meow. Sonny is livid with Ava but he can sit and have a calm conversation with the homophobe who disparaged his daughter? Make it make sense. It's all about his cocktail weenie. "Yeah, she badmouthed my daughter but I am still picturing what she looks like under the dress!?" What do you wanna bad that Sonny urges Kristina/Blaze to cut Natalia some slack?

Ava/Alexis - She has every right to be furious with Ava but after explaining to her about an assumed right to privacy or w/e she said--it was absurd to play coy about recording the conversation. I digress as she didn't record her. I really don't see any way out of this for Ava. If MW is about to exit stage left then we could be looking at a Who Killed Ava story! And Sonny will win custody but Carly will convince him it's best for Avery to stay with her and Donna primarily and he could see her whenever she wants. That's my prediction. Ava will either flee PC in shame or she's going to die. How they have written her is insulting to the audience and is miles away from a character who has always been shown to be sharp as a tack. Now we are to believe that she was banking on Natalia forgetting who she spewed that word vomit to? Oy! Oy! Oy!

Deception Dumbness: So Adrian gleefully floats into the Deception office as if he would receive a warm reception? Hours after the hit piece on the FOD? Come on! These writers are hacks. I wish I knew of a worse insult than that. Hmm. Unimagined and they have tunnel-vision. And Lucy gets Scott to dump Ava because sex with her is so mind-blowing? Nothing says romance like a woman telling a guy he can't touch her cupcakes unless he does what she wants him to do. For the record, I thought that Lois' idea was better than what Maxie came up with. They could have at least run it by Blaze to see if she wanted to do it. A page in her own words on why she stayed in the closet and then the 2nd page could have been Maxie's suggestion.

I am starting to think that Patrick dodged a bullet here. If he was released due to his vision or w/e then I imagine these stories are all rewrites. They probably kept an outline but it feels obvious that so rerouting took place. Ava and Sonny went from kissing to Ava keeping quiet about his meds being tampered with. And we still have NO idea what her endgame was/is.

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