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Today was hot garbage - And Sonny doesn't hurt kids. He just hurts adults🤣

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Fri, 05-Jul-2024 2:48:11 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of July 1st Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Rewrite city. Once again, Sonny is the one who INSISTED that Ava and Avery move in with him for both of their safety. Today he said he did it because he needed someone to talk to? Blow it out your ass Phony Soprano. Pretty bold for Sonny to be telling his son the detective that he plans to "take care" of Ava. And suddenly now he's thinking about Connie and Morgan. Yes, Ava killed Connie and she messed with Morgan's meds. We've been over this. Olivia planted the bomb in her brother's car.

I am not sure why Blaze is acting like her music career is over. There are other labels out there. If you are not going to do an interview in Crimson to discuss your sexuality (her choice) then lay low, let the scandal die down and then have BLQ reach out to other labels.

I still feel like MW is on her way out, if so, I hope it's her choice. I also hope they do not kill such an iconic character. Here's hoping Ava's brain comes out of hibernation and she hires herself a new lawyer and then downloads them with everything she knows about Sonny and his business--including having Cyrus, Laura, Dex and Kristina subpoenaed to confirm Sonny beating two men with his bare hands. There is also the matter of the recording from 8 years ago when Sonny told Ava he would put so many bullets into her that no one would ever recognize the body. I hope Ava wins sole custody and leaves Port Charles and takes Avery with her. In 3-5 years, a SORASED Avery can return to PC. A light bulb did go off this week when Scott mentioned Sonny having a mental breakdown would get her sole custody. I bet Ava is going to push his buttons in public to get him to snap. Maybe he will try to strangle her or throw something, she screams and witnesses see everything.

Killing such a fascinating character would be a travesty. I mean, they let Finn get out alive (for now at least) Ava Jerome deserves to ride off into the sunset and return some day to wreak havoc like only she can. If MW is let go, I expect fans will go bananas the same way they did when Rebecca Herbst was let go.

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