General Hospital Message Board


Did Portia forget that Laura's son Nikolas is in jail and she hasn't

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Wed, 10-Jul-2024 7:09:45 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 8th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Go Portia! She was on fire today. This confrontation was almost as good posted by Antwon
used her influence to get him out? Laura is just wrong to get the Heather case opened. Portia is completely justified in wanting Heather to stay in jail. But Portia yelling at her about using her influence to get her 'family' out of jail is nonsense. If Laura was so inclined, why would she let Nikolas stay in jail.

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