General Hospital Message Board


Yes, I hope Valentin has moved it. In fact, why he would

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Fri, 12-Jul-2024 6:52:57 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 8th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Anna's plan is taking forever....get on with it. Let me get this straight, she's posted by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
keep the phone behind a bookshelf is a mystery to me. Valentin must know that Anna is playing him. I am rooting for him.

This time I am going a it alone? What do you mean Anna? You were alone last time too. Oh you mean this time Jason won't be outside keeping watch? Stupid.

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