General Hospital Message Board


Hypocrisy reigns supreme with the holy trinity. Carly drags John for

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Tue, 13-Aug-2024 3:12:30 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of August 12th, Spoiiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Not being near his son while he is chasing sonny. So, I guess tgat makes him a deadbeat while her BFF literally stayed away from his kids for years to protect her worthless behind. That dress is not good on Carly.

I wonder if Sonny realizes that he is willing to kill one daughter's mother to make his other daughter happy. So he will arrange an accident in prison for Ava? That's nice. I am sure Avery can take comfort knowing it was an accident. I am surprised that Anna is all serve and protect now.

John said he would lead sonny to the pharmacist at the right time. Stupid plan which will blow up in his face. Ana better watch out.

I enjoyed the Tracy/Violet scenes, but not even a mention of Finn? Not a passing remark from Violet about how much she misses him? Shame on you GH.

Bye Blaze. Please take your mother with you. But it looks like sonny is on the prowl. RME.

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