General Hospital Message Board


I tried waiting for the show to improve but

From: TrinaFF_Okoye Find all posts by TrinaFF_Okoye Send private message to TrinaFF_Okoye
Date: Fri, 30-Aug-2024 3:52:28 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of August 26th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
after months and months not watching, I'm finally done. Sonny murdered AJ, it took time to get over that. Now it looks like he's murdered Stone's brother and as we all know he will not suffer consequences.

I'm over this fake ass Tony Soprano. Soprano didn't even last this long. It's time for Sonny to fall for good this time. It's been more than two decades of the same thing. I can't wait for The Gates. I hope this show gets cancelled and they start over with new showrunners.

[Edited by TrinaFF_Okoye on Fri, 30-Aug-2024 3:57:27 PM PDT]
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