General Hospital Message Board


Sonny, I have an idea about how you can help Alexis. CONFESS!!!!

From: ladfan Find all posts by ladfan Send private message to ladfan
Date: Wed, 18-Sep-2024 3:32:58 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of September 16th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
He is paying lip sympathy. He knows exactly how to stop Alexis from going down for a murder HE committed. He is a sorry excuse for a father and a human being.

I know it is not tempSam's fault but i wish it could could have been Kelly supporting her family and Dante.

Ultimately, I know sonny will not pay a price for the murder. This show sucks!!

[Edited by ladfan on Wed, 18-Sep-2024 3:36:05 PM PDT]
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