with him regarding the children. Nina and Willow just hurry to the house to take the children to Nina's before he arrives home. Once everything was in motion, though, and the kids were excited about having a sleepover, I thought it was very generous of Michael to let them go with Willow. His rationale for going with all of this was interesting. I didn't remember that happening, but I didn't follow that story too closely. I was glad Ned said he would support Michael regardless of their ups and downs. Of course, Drew shows up at their home, which really topped things off. Michael messed up, too, in all of this; but I just thought it was not a good move on Willow and Nina's part regarding the children just after all of this went down. My opinion could be an unpopular one, too.
I completely agree. EOM - jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan - 16-Dec-2024 4:16 PM
+1 EOM - ladfan - 16-Dec-2024 4:23 PM
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