General Hospital Message Board


Yes Jos, Sonny is not all good or all bad, but he DID murder Jagger

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Fri, 20-Dec-2024 2:41:44 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week Of December 16th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
Sonny had every reason to hate Jagger, and I would have cheered had he exposed Jagger's double dealings (Jagger deserved to go to jail).

However, I was shown Sonny walking up to Jagger with a gun in his hand and proceeded to shoot and kill Jagger. Then he had Carly lie to give him an alibi and the show moved on.

Apparently cold blooded murder is not a big deal, and doesn't mean the murderer isn't a good buy???

Karen L.

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